December 14, 2006

one glorious moment

And then there are those days, once in awhile, when you leave for the office late -- on purpose, to miss the traffic you suffered through on the previous day, and plug in your MP3 player to make the drive a little more pleasant. And just as you swing onto the Highway to Hell, Fats Domino starts to sing "I'm Walkin'" and the sun comes out and there's a straight stretch of road in front of you, clear of traffic congestion. You pass a line of trees that people have sneakily decorated for Christmas, at night, when no one's around to catch them. What can you do but crank up Fats Domino, crank down the window, punch the gas pedal, and practically scream with joy at this one glorious, perfect moment of sun and music and beautiful scenery, in the middle of winter, on the drive into the heart of blandness.

Posted at December 14, 2006 11:33 AM