December 01, 2007

Happy Holidailies!

This is the eighth year I've done Holidailies, the collaborative web writing project where people try to post something to their blogs/journals every single day in December. I usually don't meet the goal, but then I founded the project so I don't feel terribly guilty about that.

I thought the best way to kick off Holidailies would be to share one of the holiday photos from last year that I somehow never posted -- Jesus and Santa hanging out in the Warehouse District of downtown Austin. I took this after one of the Alamo Drafthouse's holiday sing-alongs last year. The sing-alongs in the movie theater were followed by caroling up and down the nearby downtown streets, and the caroling was led by both Jesus and Santa. You usually don't find those two caroling together, and when I took the photo they were about to lead the group in "The Dreidel Song."

The downtown Alamo closed and moved to Sixth Street but I'm told they're planning to do a sing-along with caroling again this year, even though Santa and Jesus might not both be there. (Last year's event handled the Santa/Jesus duo quite gracefully without venturing into sacrilege, or so it seemed to me.)

I'm hoping to share more holiday photos this month, and maybe actually write some stuff too. I'm hoping this is one of the Holidailies where I write more, rather than hang in there at the bottom of the portal list.

Posted at December 1, 2007 12:29 AM

You think Jesus looks a little thick and Santa a little thin? No? Just me, then?

Maybe a sandwich for the guy in red, eh?

Posted by: Anthony at December 2, 2007 12:26 AM

Hey, thanks to you and your hubby for starting and continuing to host Holidailies.

Posted by: Kitty at December 3, 2007 01:13 PM