December 01, 2006

welcome, Holidailies readers

So this year, I'm jump-starting this website by participating in some collaborative daily writing project called Holidailies. I don't know if you've ever heard of it? It sounded like fun to me. Whoever thought of it is obviously very clever. And everything works so beautifully ... some genius programmer must have been involved.

I've owned the domain for years. The title comes from a book I loved as a child, Clever Lazy by Joan Bodger. The book is about a girl in China named Clever Lazy who has been given the gift of always being clever ... as long as she is also lazy. She invents all sorts of wonderful things. I like to mention it as an excuse for my being lazy. You never know, while I'm sitting here on my butt rereading a novel, I could simultaneously be inventing a better teapot.

When I first bought, it was going to be my Sekrit Personal Site where I could post everything that was way too private for my other personal website. At one point it was going to be a site where I posted all my movie reviews. Or a password-protected site where a chosen few could review my attempts at fiction writing. None of this worked for very long. Earlier this year, I decided to try using as a personal site, but never made time to post much here.

Now my old personal site has become a film blog, I haven't written fiction in years, and I have no desire to share the intimate details of my life on the web. So I am hoping that this website is where I will tell stories, or rant some more about the Wal-Mart that's proposed for my neighborhood, or post the occasional photo of my cat. Yes, I'm sorry to say there may be cat photos, and not the kind where someone piles something adorable and original on the cat's head, either. My cat is adorable without props.

What else might you want to know about me? I'm in my late thirties, married, no kids, just the one cat, and work as a writer and editor. I watch a lot of movies. I drink too many chocolate milkshakes and don't go to the gym enough. I complain too much about my commute to my current contract writing job. I am continually on a quest for the perfect breakfast taco, cup of cocoa, mocha milkshake, and breakfast biscuit. Next to my desk hangs a small plush Cookie Monster doll with a chainsaw keychain (a gimme from a certain recent prequel film) hanging from his arm. I wanted to fit it over his hand, Ash-style, but couldn't. Cookie Monster is hanging from a rack of back issues of the Texas Observer. I am always too cold, either from the excessive air-conditioning or from being a wuss about cold weather.

Will I be able to post every day during Holidailies? We'll find out soon enough.

Posted at December 1, 2006 12:31 AM