December 17, 2008

movie geekdom, it can enrich your life

Flat Stanley gets a snack at Amy's

Yeah, go ahead and mock me for being able to recite passages of certain films, for meeting a new person and remembering her later because she reminds me of a particular actress, for naming the cat after a Groucho Marx character, and so forth. Being a film geek can directly enhance and enrich your life.

Let's look at yesterday. I received two tangible benefits as a result of my movie knowledge:

1. Spout was holding a contest on Twitter in which you had to guess Christmas movies -- if you guessed the right movie, you won that movie on DVD. I persevered and plotted and picked a non-obvious movie that is also a favorite of mine: Meet Me in St. Louis. Now I'm getting the DVD, which should delight my husband as we are just about drowning in DVDs now. But I may watch it once and send it to my sister, who also loves the film. (Further film geekery: I've heard that the transfer quality on this DVD is especially good, which makes me look forward even more to seeing it.)

2. After dinner last night, we decided it was time for a trip to Amy's Ice Cream, which is usually not crowded in colder weather. We walked into the store and both C. and I immediately looked over at the movie quote of the day. If you guess the quote, you get a free topping on your ice cream.

The quote: "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K."

We both recognized it immediately and started laughing, and trading jokes with the guy behind the counter. "Did you recognize the quote?" "Oh yes, it's ... most excellent, dude." And we got free stuff on our ice cream, which definitely taste better when you earn them than when you pay for them.

So my crazy brain full of movie trivia earned me a DVD and hot fudge yesterday. Who says that's useless information?

[The quote is from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, in case you ever encounter it at an Amy's yourself.]

Posted at December 17, 2008 07:04 AM

You had ice cream on the record-setting coldest day of the year? Don't you think that's a little weird?

Posted by: Chip at December 17, 2008 10:10 AM

I saw a brand-new transfer of "Meet Me in St. Louis" years ago on the big screen. It was amazing.

And just a few weeks ago, as we were driving to Phoenix, we drove through San Dimas and stopped at a Circle K and I got to say that line. But I am easily amused!

Posted by: katie at December 17, 2008 10:43 AM

That's what happens when you're married to someone from the Yankee Frozen Tundra -- you do weird things like eat ice cream on cold days.

Katie, if we ever drove through San Dimas, I believe I would insist on stopping at a Circle K there. How can you resist?

Posted by: Jette at December 18, 2008 11:49 AM