December 18, 2008

magic, fantasy

First Night: Bibliofiles

The above photo is from First Night Austin, last December 31. Those are librarians marching in the First Night parade -- you can see some of them carrying "Austin" "Public" "Library" signs in the background. I was using my crappy camera, so my First Night photos tend to be blurry and oddly colored, but I like the blurriness on this one.

We just made plans for this New Year's, and it looks like we are going to First Night again, and I'm very excited. There's a reason why Holidailies has a New Year's theme this year: it is becoming a holiday that we really love to celebrate, without all the baggage of other fall and winter holidays. I can't wait.

Posted at December 18, 2008 07:42 AM

Interesting...that's why I began celebrating Christmas on January 12 several years ago. It's a holiday, it doesn't have all that baggage, it lets me give gifts to my friends and family, it's AFTER the main Christmas rush which means that my mail won't be held up, and it has the added bonus of being celebrated, 100% authentically, by orthodox Christians (who follow the Julian calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar; and who celebrate Christmas on - supposedly - the day the magi arrived to honor the infant.) To avoid the majority of the baggage, I mean. It has some...but in this culture, most people have shot their stress-wad three weeks' prior.

Posted by: Laughing Muse at December 18, 2008 01:08 PM
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